(+359 56) 84 20 47; (+359 56) 84 44 96; info@freezonebourgas.com

Complete fertilizers logistics & handling process

Complete fertilizers logistics & handling process

√ specialized warehouses for storage and packaging process; possibilities different stocks or type of material to be put into separate premises; overall warehouse capacity 20 000 t ;
√ unloading & piling up of dry bulk into covered warehouse areas, received through Port Burgas - up to 2000 t /day;
√ 80 t weigh bridge upon entrance or exit;
√ packaging in big bags from 500 to 1000 kg (capacity 400 t / day);
√ open air areas for storage of big bags, stocks covered with PE canvases, pallets to be provided upon Client’s request to keep big bags off the ground;
√ packaging in bags 25-50 kg (productivity: 30-50 t / day);
√ storage of ready packed bags into covered warehouse areas when available and upon Client’s request;
√ loading of packed bags with forklift or manually;
√ servicing of already packed fertilizers: accepting in the Zone, storage, loading/unloading operations, expedition to final Client; unpacking big bags into bulk;
√ duty & VAT free storage of fertilizers (incl. bags for packaging) with intended final destination third countries outside EU;
√ full customs agency and documentation servicing - import/ transit/ export upon entrance/exit of material in/from the Zone; state-of-art software for reports regarding movements and documents of stocks;
√ possibilities for change of property/ direct sales  of packed or bulk fertilizers at Bourgas Free Zone terminal; customs duties are to be paid by buyer-consignee of  certain quantities;
√ over 100 000 t fertilizers has been accepted and handled at Bourgas Free Zone terminal, followed by expedition to final destination for last 3 years.

Extremely competitive prices for package of services at yearly contract basis.

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Bourgas Free Zone Jsc.
e-mail: info@freezonebourgas.com  
+359 56 844496 - Marketing Department
+359 56 881047 - Accountancy
+359 56 881049 - Operational Department